If you suffer from chronic pain-lower back/neck/shoulder/hip or even knee pain, injuries due to sports or a motor vehicle accident, a soldier currently serving in our defence force or a veteran we can help.
Using mathematical algorithms to plot and graph your pain level & functional improvements with his treatment qualifications from the Pain Management Research Institute-Royal North Shore Hospital. The Pain Management Research Institute (PMRI) is joint initiative between the Discipline of Pain Medicine at the University of Sydney and Royal North Shore Hospital. It is a division of the Kolling Institute of Medical Research and recognised as world leaders, as well, by the NSW Ministry of Health as the lead centre for pain research and education in NSW. It involves multidisciplinary research, teaching and clinical activities aim to improve the treatment of all forms of severe pain.
Dr George Hardas is a leading Sydney Consultant Chiropractor attaining 6 levels of tertiary qualifications from Australias’ leading Universities providing the best level of care to his patients: MMed (Syd) MScMed (Syd) MChiro (Macq) BSc(Syd) Grad Cert Pain Management (Syd) Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (Syd).
Having undergone 10 years of medical research with Orthopaedic Research Institute at St George Hospital. Having achieved training in the use of Activator Methods Chiropractic Technique in the United States of America.
Also undergoing a further 10 years training in pain management from the Pain Management Research Institute, Royal North Shore Hospital, being the first chiropractor both domestically and internationally to achieve a Master of Science in Medicine.
Much of his time has been spent at the leading edge of conservative spine treatment, being selected and presenting at the largest orthopaedic conference in the world-American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons in the United States of America.
His main aim is helping people attain a better quality of life, helping conditions such as sinus/visual problems, having a meticulous approach to specialised individual patient care to help you become pain-free again.